What we have done
Relevant education and health care are Janyoday Foundation's priority areas. Capacity building, strengthening services, financial and technical support and management inputs for grassroots initiatives are also our focus. Innovative and sustainable development actions with community support, long-term implications and replicability are accorded priority in considerations. Education, in larger perspectives, is what JANYODAY believes in and promotes; not getting confined to the issue of literacy alone, but moving beyond covering aspects such as general awareness, life skills as well as skills for economic gains. Our projects therefore focus on
- Formal and Informal Education
- Health Care Services
- Life Skill Education
- Advocacy and Awareness Generation
- Vocational Studies & Employability Trainings
Janyoday Foundation reaches out to over a thousand children & youth through various education and healthcare projects across 19 states of India.
Your upward scrolling text goes hereProgramme are blow
Immumzation Programme
EPI programme were arrange vac-cination to all eligible children &preg- Kukra,Aliporex-14-20 nant women evening infant with 3 doses of dtp ,tetanus & vitamin A . with awareness.
Pure Water
employment among the rural laboures
Plant & Horticulture
Ashwagandha/vash/brahmi is useful & economic development.